Enrolled Nurse

Enrolled nurses (ENs) complete a 2-year Diploma of Nursing and then work under the supervision of a registered nurse. Typical duties include:

  • regularly recording patients’ temperature, pulse, blood pressure and respiration
  • providing interventions, treatments and therapies from patient care plans (including administering medicines)
  • assisting registered nurses and other team members with health education activities
  • working in multidisciplinary teams; and
  • helping patients with their activities of daily living.

An enrolled nurse can become a registered nurse by completing further education.

Registered Nurse

Registered nurses (RNs) complete a 3-year Bachelor of Nursing or 2-year Master of Nursing through a university. Their scope of practice can include:

  • assessing patients
  • developing a nursing care plan
  • administering medicines
  • providing specialised nursing care
  • working in multidisciplinary teams
  • supervising ENs and junior RNs
  • undertaking regular professional development
  • performing leadership and management roles such as being a nursing unit manager or team leader
  • working in advanced nursing practice roles.

Nurse Practitioner

Nurse practitioners (NPs) are RNs who have been endorsed. NPs practise independently in an advanced and extended clinical role, and can prescribe some medicines and must:

  • be a registered nurse with no restrictions on practice.
  • have 5,000 hours of experience at the advanced clinical nursing practice level in the past 6 years.
  • have completed an approved program of study at a master degree level.
  • State and territory governments employ most NPs in acute care settings.

Please complete the ‘FREE – NO OBLIGATION GENERAL ENQUIRY’ form below which will help us to assess your basic eligibility in applying for migration to Australia, and/or to assess if you are eligible to progress towards migrating to Australia. We will reply to your enquiry within 1-2 business days outlining the pathways available to you.


Are you a DOCTOR or a MEDICAL HEALTH PROFESSIONAL? If so, please click HERE


Are you a MIDWIFE or a SOCIAL WORKER? If so, please click HERE


Are you a Dentist? If so, please click HERE

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