The integrity of the international Student Visa Program in the education sector has been strengthened via a new evidence level framework to prioritise applications from International Students wishing to study in Australia provides the highest priority to;

  1. Student visa applications lodged outside Australia

  2. Certain higher Education, English Language Intensive Course for Overseas Students (ELICOS) and Vocational Education and Training (VET) studying at an ‘high-end’ education providers.
  3. Subsequent entrant applications lodged outside Australia that include an unmarried family member under 18 years​ (a subsequent entrant means an additional applicant who did not apply at the same time as the primary applicant.
  4. all Student Guardian visa applications (lodged in or outside Australia).

Also, any secondary applicant (spouse, de-facto partner or dependent child) who is included in the primary visa application will be given the same priority as the primary applicant.

For further information, please select the ‘Students’ menu tab on the ‘Home’ page of our website. Then select the relevant ‘Sub-menu tab’.

Now, please scroll down to select any of the ‘Blue’ Accordion’ bars that contain a vast array of additional information from our ‘Preferred’ partners.

Then just send us a ‘NO OBLIGATION’ FREE ASSESSMENT’ from any page and we will assess your eligibility.