Our Services

100% of ASC Migration’s clients would recommend us to friends and family members because we get results using a combination of personal service and a tailored Staged Migration Process. Simply put, we will not rush the process along until certain steps have been completed in a specific order relevant to your case. We have provided you with two possible starting points so that we can better understand your current circumstances and your desired outcome below. As the Department of Immigration and Border Protection’s application fees are non-refundable, it is important for you to understand that choosing ASC Migration can likely save you money in the long term, as well as freeing yourself from the emotional stress that goes along with attempting to have a visa approved by yourself.

Free Assessment

For people with only a vague understanding of their potential migration pathway, it is best to start with a Free Assessment. This form will provide us with the necessary background information to establish the most likely options for your future. Once we have determined your initial eligibility, we will direct you towards a consultation or professional service option that will provide more specific details regarding how best to proceed, the costs involved, how long the process will take and any other relevant information.

Begin filling out your Free Assessment here.

Expert Consultation & Professional Services

For people with a good understanding of their likely visa pathway, choose one of our Expert Consultation options, (in-person, Skype, telephone or via online forms) or one of our Professional Services (eligibility analysis, migration checklist or a pre-lodgement application review) to take the next step towards lodging your visa. There are a few options that you may wish to consider here and there is more information on the Expert Consultation and Professional Services page.

If you are still unsure which pathway is the best way for you to begin the process, please email for more information anytime.

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